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Cathodic protection-the efficiency of the sacrificial anode
- Time of issue:2021-02-26 16:00
Cathodic protection-the efficiency of the sacrificial anode
- Categories:News
- Time of issue:2021-02-26 16:00
Cathodic protection-the efficiency of the sacrificial anode: The efficiency of the
cathodic protection-the sacrificial anode depends on the alloy composition of the sacrificial anode and the application environment.
For the sacrificial anode, the discharge current is due to the cathodic protection current provided by the anode to the protected structure, and partly because of the local self-corrosion battery on its surface.
The consumption of the anode is proportional to the current discharged from its surface.
The efficiency of the sacrificial anode refers to the ratio of the metal consumed for cathodic protection current to the total metal consumption. The efficiency of magnesium anodes is generally less than 50%, while the efficiency of zinc anodes can reach 90%, and the efficiency of aluminum anodes can reach 85%.
The above three types of sacrificial anodes are widely used in cathodic protection systems.
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